Examination Orders

Rule Book Order Form: Order Form

June 17, 2011

To Officials Associations,

The NFHS has changed the way they are distributing sports exams and answer keys.

The NFHS is selling the exams to the State Organizations, who is in turn selling the exams to the Sections who use each particular exam. The State Office will divide the cost of the exam between all the Sections who need it. So beginning immediately, you will contact the Section Office when you need an exam. We will be assessing a fee to the Association for the right to use the NFHS exams. This fee should be less than the cost of the exams for you Association in previous years. You will receive one exam and answer key from the Section Office, to copy and administer in your Association. 

If your Association receives the NFHS exam from another source, you may continue this practice, if they can continue to provide the exam.

According to the State Officials Accreditation process all Officials Associations’ must administer a rules test to officials.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Liz at lkyle@cifns.org.

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